
Amplication Logo

This is a mono-repository for all amplication related helm charts. It is used to version amplication helm charts so that we can differ between helm chart - i.e. kubernetes manifest - related changes in the different environments. In that way changes are in development could be tested in isolation.


Helm must be installed to use the charts. Please refer to the documentation to get started with Helm. Once Helm has been set up correctly, add the repo as follows:

helm repo add amplication

If you had already added this repo earlier, run helm repo update to retrieve the latest versions of the packages. You can then run helm search repo <alias> to see the charts that exist for the different components.

To install the chart:

helm install <chart-name> <alias>/<chart-name>

To uninstall the chart:

helm delete <chart-name>

Publishing charts

To add the option to lint and publish/release a version of a helm chart, a workflows was introduced. It makes sure the chart is able to be rendered, the second part of the workflow releases the changed charts to the github releases of the repository and updates the branch gh-pages index.yaml with the metadata about those releases.

Consuming the charts

Because the charts are versioned they can be consumed accordingly on the side of the amplication-cluster-configuration repository. This repository provides additional values per environment against the versioned charts, to be able to determine the desired/rendered-out helm charts.


List of the different Amplication component charts that are availale through this repository: